Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Getting Healthy, Happy, Fit and Fabulous

After a conversation with a dear friend, my workout buddy, my partner in crime last night I thought it might be a good idea to refresh myself on the good health guidelines per Weight Watchers (WW). All my life I was fortunate to never have a weight issue. Somewhere around 2003 I started gaining. I had never really followed any weight loss plan other then to not eat. That always worked. This time it didn't. I went to my doctor fearing something was wrong. He informs me that because I wasn't eating my body was holding onto the fat when I did eat. WHAT????? My first grandbaby was born in 2003 and all it took was a picture of me and him and off to WW I went. I was very successful on the program and lost 32lbs. I worked for the company for a while and fully believe in the program because it's real. When I pick up a few pounds I just revert back to WW habits and I'm back to where I need to be. Well until recently.....more on that later.

The food pyramid suggest veggies in abundance and 2/3 servings of fruit per day. I had to learn this one. I wasn't a big veggie eater unless they were smothered in bacon fat :0/ My love for veggies has grown a lot. I play with new recipes and am willing to try things outside of my comfort zone. I realized that I LOVE eggplant, okra, zucchini, butternut squash, asparagus, broccoli and mushrooms. I'm still not big on fruit. Bananas, grapes, pineapple and blueberry is about my limit.
Whole grain foods use to be a problem too but my taste buds adjusted. I love whole wheat bread over white. And I use a mixture of brown/wild rice whenever I have rice, except with gumbo!
DAIRY!!!!! A huge struggle for me. I don't drink milk! I developed a dislike for it several years ago and I don't know why. I will eat cheese on the occasional sandwich but that's not often. I occasionally eat yogurt or an egg but nothing on a daily basis. I know I need to for my bones
This is one thing I do not have a problem with. I eat so many veggies that I get plenty of oil. Despite what a lot of people think, canola oil is actually the healthiest oil to cook with. I use EVOO, sesame or coconut (I'm new to this). The coconut oil is so versatile. My friend Theresa blogged about it. You can read all the good uses she listed here.
At least 2 servings of protein is recommended per day. I'm pretty sure I get that everyday. I have a protein at breakfast and dinner and if I have a hard workout I'll have a protein bar.
At least 6-8 glasses of water everyday.....I'm finally getting this
 And of course who can forget that we need to exercise. I'm think I'm finally getting into this thanks to my daughter :0)

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