I've been absent from the blogging world since February, writing, not reading! My life got cRaZy and typically my response is to drop off the radar. But I'm back and hopefully I'll be sticking around. Lot's of changes happened since I last wrote. Bought a new car!!! A 2014 Kia Sorrento. It's an amazing ride. Let me say it took me a longgggg time to make up my mind and there were several tears shed before we finally signed the papers. I had driven my old car for 10 years. Lifting huge cakes out of the trunk was terrible and I no longer felt safe on long road trips. So out with the old (My Kandy is driving it) and in with the new!!!!
I changed jobs. It was unexpected and a difficult transition for me but in the end I believe it was for the best and more importantly God's will. So now I'm Nanny to these TWO:
And trust me, I know what you're thinking, asking, wondering!!! Have you lost your mind? Are you Cra Cra? You're keeping twins? TWO babies???? Meet Anna Kate and Parker. My 6 month old twinkies. Sweet sweet babies. They may be twins but they sure have different personalities. Anna Kate is lil Ms Drama Queen. Parker is laid back without a care in the world. Well, except for teething. Can you imagine? Teething x's 2. I've known their sweet parents for several years They are wonderful parents to these babies and big brother Carter. I spend two days a week with them back to back. It's been very easy to get attached. We are already planning birthday parties for Thing 1 and Thing 2
I had to have a minor surgery. Didn't really tell to many people about it. In the end all was well and I was up and around within a few days. About 2 months after my surgery that I found out my gynecologist whom I had seen basically since I moved to this part of Louisiana had had a sudden stroke and went into retirement effect immediately. So at 48 years old I'm searching for a new one, and frantic about it. Do I want young, old, man, woman?????? I checked with all my friends and who they saw. One name came up twice and when I checked with a Dr friend, the name came up again and once I read her bio which contained LSU....I thought I had found my replacement. I didn't want my first visit with her to be uh.....with my feet in the air and since I was having other issues I made an appt. I loved her!!!!! Amazing woman. She spent 45 mins with me while I cried about stuff at home, about my old gynecologist(with the stroke) and the sypmtoms I was having. Yes dear friends.....pre-menopause is what she told me. Uggggg I wanted to scream. Although I was already thinking this I had hoped she would say something else. After that little bit I news I decided I needed another vacation. The one to Tenn in July simply wouldn't do...

And so off we went to Destin for Labor Day weekend. It was wonderful. No kids. Just me and the hubs. He stayed in the condo watching football and I stayed on the beach under an umbrella reading "Happy Happy Happy" I learned more from that book then I think I've ever learned from a book. It was on that weekend that I began to rethink some things and one of those things was this blog and what I wanted to do with it.

I've never minded aging. I just don't wanna look it.....lol. Don't we all. Ok really I love being a grandmother. Those babies bring life to our house, But I want to grow old gracefully and hang onto life with all I have. I can't really control how I visible age (I could but that cost money) But I can control the physical part. I know what it means to put healthy stuff in. Exercise the body and mind. I'm stunned at the obesity rate in this country. It's no wonder healthcare is out the roof. People don't seem to care anymore. Trust me I've dealt with it in my own home. So I don't want this blog to be about the pain and suffering I've been through, although I may bring it up from time to time. I want to share healthy recipes and exercise tips and of course my cakes. Anything worthwhile takes perseverance. Being healthy is worth the effort. I have kids, grandkids and I want to enjoy life with them. Staying healthy allows me to do that.
Speaking on grandkids.....we found out recently that we will have another. A little girl to join our clan in February. Hopefully she'll have some red hair. Much to her mother's dismay. Along with that good news, my baby girl, Kandace was accepted into nursing school at The Baton Rouge General School of Nursing which is where her sister graduated from nearly 6 years ago. I couldn't be happier.
My lil nurse to be and mommy to be
Kandace and B