Me and My Hooligans......Abby, Recey, Maddie and Zachary

My name is Karen. I'm a wife, mom, mawmaw, Mimi, Nanny, baker, friend, victim of child abuse. I'm 47 years old and about 3 years ago I had the opportunity to face the predator who changed my life forever. This blog/journal is my journey on paper. Perhaps to help someone else who has/is struggling with this. So if you'll be reading my blog on a regular basis you'll be hearing about the case (it's not over) but mostly about those I love, my love of baking and decorating cakes and of course my love of all things LSU. You see I bleed purple and gold. A lover of LSU football., and baseball and that time of the year is upon us. In just a few days we will gather at Tiger stadium, better known as Death Valley for some Saturday night college in the south it's a religion. We take it pretty serious. At this time of the year I'm not a fan of anybody/anything else. It's all football. We tailgate and just have good clean, safe fun. We've had the opportunity to travel to Alabama twice to see the Tigers beat the Tide...with great Tiger pride I might add. I've been married to the same wonderful man for 32 years and if you're good at math you figured real quick that I married him when I was 15. More on that later. We have 4 beautiful children, 4 gorgeous grand kids and blessed with a wonderful daughter in law. Travis my only son is married to Cherie and they have one son and two daughters. His son Zachary was the first born boy in both our families since his dad 23 years earlier. Abigail whom we refer to as Abby or Sheila (thats another story for another day) and Madelyn Grace who is affectionately known as Maddie Grace. My oldest daughter Danica is mom to Rece Alexander who we affectionately call Recey after my favorite candy. Danica is an RN at a local hospital. We are extremely proud of her. She graduated from her high school 34 of her class of 410. She then attended LSU where she proceeded to play for Tigerband for 4 wonderful years...good times. She works very hard and is considered by her family, and some others to be the best RN around. Rachel, whom you'll hear plenty about later is my middle daughter. She is troubled at this time and I'll reserve her story for later. Would like to say we love and believe in her. Kandace is our baby....and baby she truly is. She is in college right now seeking a nursing degree. We are also very blessed to have a beautiful redhead as our "adopted" daughter. And I use that word loosely. Bridget, or as we call her, "B" has been apart of our family so long I don't know where she started. B and Danica were friends and she just grew on us. She is married to Matt and they have Parker, or as he is known to us, Parker Parker. There is a story behind that too. Well that rounds out my little family whom I love dearly. I suppose that sometimes this blog will get deep and painful hopefully will be a cleansing for me and anyone that reads. I'll use this phrase often.......
Take Care Of You
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